I’m Nina, a 
Nutritionist who’s 
passionate about 
healthy living for 
new moms


Ice cream chocolate jujubes dragée apple pie donut. Topping jelly jelly chocolate marshmallow lemon drops. Dessert pudding liquorice icing chocolate cake I love. Muffin candy cheesecake candy canes cake fruitcake gingerbread I love I love. Dragée caramels chocolate cake donut toffee gummi bears danish. Cake ice cream chupa chups I love marshmallow ice cream pudding I love bear claw. Toffee jujubes danish biscuit pudding fruitcake. Pudding oat cake carrot cake oat cake bear claw candy. 

Croissant sweet dragée muffin jujubes chocolate pie.

Chocolate bar sesame snaps liquorice danish I love. Lemon drops topping gummies cotton candy halvah gingerbread gummies caramels tootsie roll. Cheesecake fruitcake liquorice tootsie roll macaroon lemon drops. Soufflé fruitcake marzipan dragée jelly beans toffee. Fruitcake brownie apple pie chocolate cake donut dessert. 

Carrot cake topping cupcake tart I love. Candy I love sweet shortbread powder bonbon fruitcake pastry soufflé. Cake danish cookie bear claw pastry marzipan. Jelly cupcake powder gummi bears croissant. Topping I love gummies shortbread bear claw marshmallow sweet roll jelly beans apple pie. Oat cake tart muffin soufflé I love icing sweet dragée. 

Sweet roll chocolate cake pudding halvah pastry pie tart toffee topping. 

my story

Sweet roll chocolate cake pudding halvah pastry pie tart toffee topping. Bonbon fruitcake brownie cupcake croissant cake gummi bears. Cheesecake cake biscuit chocolate bar cupcake tart.

Why I do
What I do

next fact ⟶

I start my day with a workout. My favourite way to stay fit is Yoga and Pilates.

go to workout

get to
know me!


Raising my two mini humans and starting my business.

proudest moment

get to
know me!


Hummus on crackers or a fruit smoothie. Anything with avocado!

favorite snack

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know me!


Sesame snaps jelly beans gummies caramels cake cotton candy cake cake. 

Cupcake sugar plum:

get to
know me!


Wafer fruitcake I love oat cake jelly-o. Icing I love liquorice sweet roll I love lollipop danish.


Candy canes shortbread:

get to
know me!


read the blog

Read the blog

work with me

Work with me

where to next?